What a load of crap. The prize, the sentiment, all of it.
The immediate thing to note is its title, which is as accurate as the American 'World Series'. The prize isn't for "fiction" at all. It's more specific than that. It's for women fiction-writers. That's right - not fiction-writers as a whole, but ones written by a group chosen arbitrarily at best (chauvinistically at worst). It's as if they withheld the "for women" bit to avoid people trivialising the prize - which would surely allude to a guilty self-consciousness of the award's trivial, pretentious and ultimately meaningless nature.
And as the prize's title might subtly suggest, it's is biased against men. Not only this - it's also biased against women; the worst of both worlds (despite, ironically, treating both sexes equally, in a way).
Kindly allow me to explain by starting with a question: Why should there be a literary prize specifically for women, particularly when there is no equivalent one for men? One way of looking at it is this:
Of course, in phsyical events such as the Olympics, there are separate competitions for men and women. This makes sense - the most physically-adept men are stronger than the most physically-adept women. This is biological.
But literature is (primarily) a mental endeavour and ability, and there are unisex prizes and women's prizes for fiction. I cannot find an equivalent men's prize. By singling out women in this way, everyone responsible for and supportive of the award is therefore stating that women's fiction isn't good enough to compete directly with men's fiction. This argument would be consistent with the fact that an overwhelming number of prizes for literature - open to both men and women - are won by men. One might argue that more literature is written by men, so proportionally the prizes might average out between the sexes. But I have seen no evidence of this. The reason why most published literature is by men might simply be because men's literature is indeed better than women's - and, given the evidence (as opposed to emotive viewpoints, which are irrelevant), that is most likely.
But there is a second way of looking at it. Consider this telling quote from Wikipedia:
The prize was established to recognise the contributions of female writers who Mosse believed were often overlooked in other major literary awards, and in reaction to the all-male shortlist for the 1991 Man Booker Prize.
Oh, what a surprise, "Mosse" is a woman. I am not being chauvinist for thinking that, being a woman, she would be seeking more power to women, because there is a rationale to my belief - it is simply the way of the world. (I've covered this in more detail previously. For example, see So-called Feminism.) Anyway, the second point, made clear here, is the idea that the Man Booker Prize is unfairly biased towards men - that is, simply because they are men. Who is she to make such an erroneous accusation? How dare she, and why has she not been put in her place for such a travesty of free speech?
Women like this might be chauvinist, but why assume that everyone is capable of the same evil? To tar others with their own brush? Particularly established, respected judges of established, respected awards, who are passionate experts in the subject matter beyond who might or might not have written what. Perhaps it's the EastEnders effect. One reason why people watch it is because the characters are so bitchy that it makes them feel better about their own menial lives. For similar reasons, female chauvinists would try to demonise men so as not to seem so bad by comparison. That seems to be the going trend for the 'Modern Feminist.'
So if women are "often overlooked," then where's the evidence? Why can't it simply be that the judges genuinely thought, in their wisdom and experience on the subject, that the authors they chose - who happened to be men - were simply better authors?
It seems to me that the very existence of the award is unnecessary, gratuitous, sick, ignorant, female-chauvinist and counter-productive to society, and that the assertions that it makes are defamatory. It is tragic that these glaring blotches of diseased puke on our supposedly-advanced societal canvas are deliberately overlooked, and for what - for the sake of political correctness and the fashionable fad mistakenly known as 'feminism.' The disparity it creates goes against what we have to hope is the core feminist agenda, namely, equality. Or is it alleging that feminism is merely a misguided, uninformed, romantic and fantastical ideal? Surely not...
- - - - -
Over June and July, I was fortunate enough to engage in a series of debates and discussions surround what I've written above. My main contact was Lisa Gee, who runs the Prize's Web site. My main questions to Lisa, and her answers, were as follows:
- Why are the titles for "Prize for Fiction" and the "Award for New Writers" misleading in their focus, rather than stating explicitly, "for women"?
There are no prizes (to our knowledge) that include their eligibility criteria in their titles. The Orange Prize for Fiction and Award for New Writers conform to one of the norms for literary Prize titles: ie - include the name of the sponsor and give a ballpark idea of the prize's remit. - What evidence is there that women have been "passed over" for illigitimate reasons, rather than for ligitimate ones?
The founders of the Prize did lots of research into how prizes were awarded and who they were awarded to in the process of setting up the Prize. Much of this information can be found in the article – http://www.belletrista.com/2010/issue4/features_2.php – and video – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHelFLucl9Y. - How does a women-only prize help promote the highest standards of fiction literature, given that literature is not gender-specific?
The research conducted by the Prize has demonstrated that although writing isn't gender-specific, reading choices are informed by the gender of the reader - at least they are when the reader is male. While women and girls read work by both men and women, men and boys tend to read only writing by other men; this is why, for instance, JK Rowling's publisher encouraged her to write as JK rather than Joanne Rowling.
And the Orange Prize brings great books by women from all round the world to the attention of both male and female readers, promoting fiction of the highest standard. - How can segregating female fiction-writers from male fiction-writers give the former the confidence to compete in the same arena as the latter?
Celebrating writing by women - which is what both the Orange Prize for Fiction and the award for New Writers do - is not the same as segregating female writers from male writers . Every Prize has eligibility criteria: the Man Booker excludes writers from America, (amongst other places); the Somerset Maugham Award excludes writers over the age of 35; the McKitterick Prize excludes writers under the age of 40.
The Orange Prize is awarded for a novel, written in English by a woman and published in the UK. It is not an isolated, isolating entity, but one amongst a constellation of literary prizes, all of which celebrate different aspects of writing, different writers from different parts of the world. Which is as it should be.
To be fair, my questions were pretty demanding difficult to answer, - mostly because the Prize is on the losing side due to its fundamentally- and fatally-flawed logic. (I will explain why later.) In light of this, Lisa did a good job of defending the Prize, and went so far as to convince me that she, the panel and the founders are not the spiteful, man-hating female chauvinists that might appear to be apparent.
She was also honest enough to admit that some of my points had merit and have been argued successfully by both men and women over the last 15 years of the Prize's existence. (Quite how she can give the Prize her full confidence in light of this, however, is beyond me.) As a consequence of our exchanges, a few changes were also made to the site's Q&A sections to make the answers more clear and less evasive.
However, there are one or two of Lisa's answers that are questionable, and a few points I made that have not been answered. For example, the "lots of research" mentioned as a reply to Question 2 is not available. Unless they produced a comprehensive paper on the subject compiled by the world's most forefront minds on the subjects of humanity, and unless they themselves are masters of the subjects of human psychology (and - dare I say it - sociology), which is doubtful, then I don't consider this 'research' to have much credence. Additionally, regarding Question 4, the fact that there are multiple segregations doesn't automatically justify any of them. I don't consider the question to be answered. "Because everyone else does it" is not, to me, a valid answer.
The last point I'd like to make is perhaps the most profound. It exposes the fundamental flaw of the Prize, and suggests a solution that would be much worthier than either the Orange Prize or any other Prize for Fiction, as they stand at the moment. It is for this reason most unfortunate that it was never replied to by anyone related to the Orange Prize.
If supposedly-unisex prizes such as the Booker prize are (whether intentionally or not) male-orientated, then surely the goal should be to correct this unfair advantage within that prize, rather than create a new prize to counteract it. The Prize is only adding to the problem by compounding it with more arbitrarily-segregated (and thus meaningless) entry criteria.Here is my suggestion:
- The judging rules should be sufficiently strict and pre-defined that the possibility of unfair bias is minimised. (Frankly, I am amazed in the "professional" world of prize-giving that this isn't in place already. Must I spell out all the obvious necessities for them?)
- The exact reasons for the nominations should be recorded and traceable, so that they can be checked independently for signs of unfair bias.
- The shortlist manuscripts should be presented to a panel of judges who have no knowledge of the works' authors or content.
- The manuscripts should only contain the text of the work, and no details that might give away the gender of the author (or any other biases that are irrelevant to the quality of the works).
- The judges should be locked in separate hotel rooms, with no access to the outside world (e.g. internet), until they have made their nominations. This would cut out the possibility for the judges conducting research that may instil unfair bias in their judgements.
It is worth noting or quoting what the self-appointed genius' at the Orange Prize actually claim; and when I first saw that they appear to confront these points pre-emptively with FAQs, I thought you might have an argument coming, or a serious point to deal with. If you read their huge detailed comprehensive response you can see why there is no argument:
"Why are the Orange Prize for Fiction and Award for New Writers only open to women?
At the time it was set up the considerable achievements of women novelists were often passed over by the major literary prizes.
The founders of the Orange Prize for Fiction wanted to do something about that. Which they did, very successfully.
Now into its second decade - as well as making a massive, practical difference to the winners - the Orange Prize for Fiction is firmly established and has made a major impact on the literary landscape"
Because it isn't much of an answer, I was being sarcastic: they clearly know there is no good reason for this joke prize, and that is why their own answer cant answer their own question.
It is worth noting a few other comments on the Prize site in defence of the prize:
"try to introduce a prize that would be less traditional "
this is clearly an attempt at putting a positive spin on the fact that there is a lot of crap being written and the publishers want easy business and easy promotion, such as by a prize. "Traditional" can easily be replaced with “of excellent quality”, or simply "literature"; what they realised was, women weren't able to write literature but their egos demanded a prize for the drivel they could let drool from their overly-made up and glossed lips.
This quote admits so much, as has already been mentioned:
"We were concerned that many of the biggest literary prizes often appeared to overlook wonderful writing by women. Since prizes are one key to bringing writers to readers' attention, we thought that both male and female readers might be missing out on fantastic novels by women that they'd really enjoy."
There is not a possible reason, other than lacking quality, that women could possibly be overlooked.
What this is all about of course is the masses, and popular, at the cost of high art, not achieving both at the same time: something that is almost always a mutually exclusive task, in the present day in the consumerist west. Why have a prize for what is popular? When do most people know about anything of high art or science. I wish these people who work in popular culture would go to a committee of the masses when they need brain surgery or serious brake work on their car. Perhaps let soap viewers do both; they must know best.
Since the publisher and the hack only value sales and money, the question has to be "why are they not just satisfied with this?" they clearly have failed as a serious artist, and it seems by their own admission and from this essay, that the existence of the prize is an admission of a group of people who need to be indulged because of lacking talent; like a special award for the disabled, or a sports day in which no one is a loser: this is feminist PC mentality, not understanding the basics of what competition and prizes mean. Just accept like men do that testosterone is responsible for the extreme evils of violence in humanity, but also the greatest scientific and cultural achievements of all humanity, thanks to men and competition.
Consider that the prize is funded by something as tragically shallow as a mobile phone company: this for me, says it all. Something cool, modern, flatters ego, soulless individualism, and a total lack of artistic merit and culture. Orange is perfect for such a prize, which encourages women to create and culture a sexuality (if not one's entire perspective on sexuality) only within the construct of the story and this at the expense of real relations with real people. Not only because women lack the confidence, but one can argue that women also lack the sexuality, more that being satisfied merely with their imagination. And no, this isn't superior, it just means you aren't brave enough to live and find out what reality has to offer. They also can create a world in which a male hero is superior and non-comparable to all real men in the real world, hence they can conveniently dismiss all men as not up to their standard, not giving away that the man that is good enough for them doesn't actually exist: how convenient, as they claim "but I am straight honestly".
The only thought in defence of this non-sense is that all fiction is awful rubbish anyway. Nothing is literature and nothing written now shall ever be on a classics book shelf in 200 years. There aren't the extremes of hardship in society for one. Gossip in 14 chapters is not literature and isn't worth writing down – to the well educated man (a person before a gender) this explains why we know political correctness to be an evil. We know almost all women's fiction is gossip trash, whether we want to hear about it or not. This is how people are the source of their own ridicule; by conforming to stereotypes and then complain about the stereotype.
All fiction, too, is not worth writing down, because it is written by self-appointed ego-centrics, who tricked a publisher with their trashy writing – so much of the time. All fiction is by definition made up, and reality, real life is far more entertaining. One persons inner monologue is not for the entertainment of any other person, but a mental patient: i.e. an other mental person, following the author, whose very false confidence in their own ability suggests a personality disorder, of the sort displayed by 1000s of women who cant sing but go into talent contests. Authors have nothing to say, and if they think they do, please do what other good writers do and write it on the walls of your padded cell.
The fact that you wish to enforce your rambling, inner-monologue on other people suggests a Stalin-complex at least. The Orange prize merely typifies the mentality of a child in school whom the teacher tells is good at something, in this case "creative writing" and it goes to their stupid little immature and easily flattered head; and from that moment, of seven years of life, they feel special and superior to the others, and they have been given a definition and identity to their life, that bigs-up their ego, so they really believe what was just an indulgence, a patronising teacher getting a high on positive feedback – being nice. I believe this with enough conviction that am sure someone, if not myself, shall do the research to prove it.
If you aren't writing a story as a metaphor to your hell as you rot in a Siberian prison in the 1870s then you aren't even slightly starting with the basic potential needed to write literature: please give up now, and seek some sort of modesty transplant therapy at a near psychiatrist's.
Rich - the "Why is the price only open to women?" page was changed as a consequence of a debate/conversation I had with the "webmistress", or whatever the term is. So, sadly, that really is the best reasoning that the Prize's founders can give.
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