Google isn't exactly praised for its moral stance on privacy, preferring its own definition of consent which essentially says, "by not complaining, you've implicitly said it's OK". Which makes the process of 'opting out' quite difficult and long-winded in the world of 10 years' time, when everyone you meet has one of the things. It makes an interesting Orwellian twist: "Google Glass - everyone is watching you."
Fortunately, I see a solution and a lucrative opportunity for a T-shirt slogan:
"By filming me with your Google Glasses, you are giving me your consent for me to jab you in the stomach."or how about this:
"I don't want my every move recorded. Don't be a Google Glasshole.I wonder where the first cafe in the UK will be that has a sign in the window:
"No Dogs, Hoodies or Google Glasses"
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