29 October, 2022

Dracula's Coffin

Where did Dracula get his coffin from?

He sleeps all day. Shops are shut at night.

Did he get a mate to buy it for him? Seems unlikely, I don't imagine he had any mates. At least, not living ones. The dead or undead ones would have had the same problems.

Did he steal it? Were there any news articles of burglary, where just a coffin and nothing else was stolen? Not that's documented. And it would surely be odd enough to merit a mention in at least one paper.

Perhaps he ordered one on the internet? Well, he wouldn't have been able to accept the delivery in the daytime (see above), and a signature would have been needed.

Did he make it himself? I suppose he could have learned carpentry, but then he would have needed good-quality, seasoned wood at the right size, plus fittings. That requires shopping, which as I mention above would be pretty difficult.

If I find out, I'll let you know. Actually, probably not, as that would undermine the premise of this blog.

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